Xie YiWen Software Engineer,Gopher,BlockChain Engineer

My Expertise

I'm a Software Engineer, 5+ years gopher. Professional skills includes Blockchain, Golang, Kubernetes, Solidity, etc.


Build consortium blockchain base Tendermint, and keep working 4+ years. gained a lot of great knowledge from Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cosmos.


Most of my work has been in Golang, but I am quite familiar with Python and Java as well.


Git, Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, Drone, Helm, Nginx, you name it, I have used a bajillion tools!

Table of Contents

[算法] [矩形面积] [移掉K位数字]
[算法] [验证二叉搜索树]
[算法] [接雨水]
[Golang] [Channel] [管道]
[算法] [不同的二叉搜索树]
[算法] [随机算法] [对链表进行插入排序]
[算法] [整数反转] [杨辉三角] [幂运算]
[Golang] [map] [哈希表]
[Golang] [String] [字符串]
[算法] [Z字形变换]
[算法] [最长回文]
[网络基础] [TCP]
[区块链] [BFT]
[算法] [中位数]
[后端技术] [Storage Engine] [LevelDB]
[网络基础] [TCP]
[后端技术] [Redis]
[后端技术] [Linux]